Douglas Bunger's Blaze Of Glory

Chapter 30

    Melanie arrived at the prearranged pickup point ten minutes ahead of schedule Friday morning. She stepped out of the car and scanned the area for any sign of Brad or Carl, but was unable to see anything in the darkness. It occurred to her that if she couldn't see them, then they couldn't see her. Carl had been quite clear about her not trying to signal them or leaving her lights on. The thought that they might not be able to find her, worried Melanie, but she was not one to disobey her instructions.
    That's not to say that Melanie Chatham was mindless or submissive. Quite the contrary. Actually, Melanie was furiously independent when it came to running her life because she was aware that she was responsible for her actions. Yet, she tried not to allow her independence cloud her judgment. If she felt she was right, and could live with the consequences, she would defy all odds against her as she had done when she chose to nurture her psychic powers rather then suppress them as her father had suggested. If, on the other hand, it was apparent that someone else had more experience at a task, she would bow to their authority. The fact that she was psychic, helped her distinguish between the braggers and the doers.
    She could tell Carl knew what he was talking about, so she did as she was told. She could also sense Brad's potential for greatness and his drive for justice.
    Brad had a power about him that motivated her to move to his side; to help him achieve his higher destiny. Melanie felt a bond to him that transcended time and space, that pulled her to him, that made her want to be with him, even though she realized that he was still too arrogant and immature to harness the energy within himself. It would take time before he overcame his detractions, and she would not allow herself to open up to him on a spiritual level until he had.
    Melanie relaxed, cleared her mind, and reached outside the car to feel for Carl and Brad. She found Carl moving steadily toward the car, his mind churning and his aura boiling. Brad trailed behind... his mind screaming desperately... body crying in pain. He whimpered and whined inside, but suppressed the desire to let out his misery. She could sense how close to the edge he was... She could sense that Carl was totally unconcerned...
    "Hello there, Missy. You seemed to have found the place alright-- I knew I could count on you."
    "Brad doesn't look so good," stated Melanie staring into the blackness before her.
    Asher tossed his pack into the back seat, then turned to look into the night. He could see nothing. Even when straining his eyes, the best he could do was to see a faint outline bobbing across the valley. "How in the hell can you tell that? I can barely see him."
    "I wasn't looking with my eyes."
    "Girl, you're in the wrong line of work. If you ever want to make some big money, let me know. You and me together, we could be rich like you've never dreamed."
    "Sorry, Carl. There are some things in life more important than money."
    "Oh, I agree. For instance, a healthy supply of ammunition is always important," jabbed Asher.
    "I was thinking more about a clear conscience."
    "Hey, I've got a clear conscience. I have no trouble sleeping at night or looking at myself in the day."
    "Conscience is the most basic element of your soul. If your soul is not at peace, you can not travel beyond the bounds of your Earthly existence. Some people confuse absence of a soul with being at peace with their conscience."
    "Oh... I see. And might I be one of those people?" inquired Carl.
    The starlight glistened in the blue of Melanie's eyes as she looked into Asher's face. "Indeed you might."
    Carl laughed. "I like a woman with spunk. We really would make a good team."
    "I get the feeling you also like your women a little less... shall we say, developed, than me."
    Carl laughed again, as he stepped forward to meet Brad. He had figured he better get to him before he fell on his face. He grabbed Brad's pack and helped pull it off while Brad staggered toward the car. "I made it," panted Brad in a barely audible whisper. "I made it..." Without even a simple hello, he pushed the driver's seat forward, and collapsed into the back seat. By the time Asher put his rucksack in the car, Brad was already asleep.
    "What's wrong with him?" asked Melanie.
    "He's just a lightweight. You know: unaccustomed to little sleep, long hours, and serious physical exertion. I guess you could say this was probably his first honest day's work in his life. He'll be okay after a few hours sleep."
    Melanie turned the Mustang around on the narrow dirt road, and started toward Las Vegas. "Did you find anything?"
    "Yeah, we found something unusual. In the middle of that bombing range are several simulated camps and airfields used as targets. One of them is not a simulation. It has four quanset huts, three barracks with blacked out windows, a communications shack with a huge satellite dish, and a helipad big enough for a dozen choppers."
    "Maybe it's a helicopter airport, then."
    "Not likely. First off, there wouldn't be any logical reason to put it in the middle of the bomb range. Second, if it were an airfield, if would have refueling facilities, but there wasn't a road to drive a fuel truck over. The only way in is by chopper. Third, the pad was big enough for a dozen choppers; it only had one."
    "Your boyfriend might be right: it may be some type of holding compound. It wouldn't make much sense to have that large a landing area or a sophisticated satellite communications system for a jail, but then the military isn't known for its rational decisions."
    "Do you think you can rescue Roger?"
    "Yeah, it won't be that tough. I counted two guards on foot patrol inside the wire; no towers. The fence was a standard eight foot chain link with concertine wire on top; no big deal." Asher yawned and fell silent. Melanie did not bother him with any further questions, and he soon fell asleep.
    As the sun rose and bathed the Ford's interior with its warm light, Melanie found herself glancing in the rearview mirror at Brad. He still lay completely motionless in the back seat where he had fallen on Carl's pack. The thought crossed her mind that if it had not been for rapid eye movement, a casual observer might have mistaken him for dead-- he certainly looked the part. Most of Brad's face was sunburned, his lips were chapped, and his limbs were sprawled about like a rag doll's.
    Even after sleeping the entire trip back to Melanie's office, Brad was not rested enough to operate effectively. Asher wrestled him out of the car and into the bathroom of the converted house. For several moments, he held Brad in the shower (boots, uniform, and all) until he was sufficiently awake to undress himself.
    Brad managed to clean two nights worth of Nevada from his body, and make himself look reasonably presentable, even though he was so sore it hurt to think. He left the bathroom a disaster, passed Asher on his way in with a garbage bag, and proceeded to the kitchen. Melanie was waiting for him with a cup of coffee and some donuts she'd bought yesterday.
    "Are you going to make it?"
    "Give me a year or two, and I'll be good as new," stated Brad, confident that it was true.
    "Carl said the two of you would be leaving when he was finished cleaning-up, and asked me to find a two cabins out of town that were free for the weekend. He asked me to tell you to arrange a meeting with your partner. Who was he talking about?"
    "A man in LA. He's paying Asher's fee."
    "Does he know the truth about Roger?"
    "Of course he does. If I hadn't told him, he wouldn't have coughed up the five thousand bucks"
    "What about Asher? When are you going to tell him?"
    Brad stared at the creamy brown fluid in the mug. "When the time is right."
    "Brad... Don't mess with Carl; I don't want you to get hurt."
    Brad and Melanie shared a moment of silence, neither of them wanting to say anything foolish. Without a word, Brad rose from the table and drew Baker's private number from his coat pocket. Baker answered on the second ring, and agreed to meet them at a truckstop a hundred miles east of Los Angeles. Before Brad could get comfortable, across a small table from Melanie, Asher walked into the kitchen.
    "On your feet soldier!"
    "I'm not a soldier," stated Brad flatly.
    "You can say that again, boy. Kiss your sweetie good- bye and let's hit the road."
    Brad flashed Asher a disgusted look, then turned his eyes back to Melanie to find her sipping her coffee, with a hint of red in her cheeks. It wasn't that Asher had missed the mark with his comment; Brad wanted to kiss Melanie almost as much as he wanted to break the story about the government cover-up. The problem was that he and Melanie knew that this wasn't the right time or circumstance to start a relationship. And that's what confused Brad so much: the conditions seemed perfect for a red-hot love affair, even if it was just a few hours of sweating between the sheets, yet he felt that Melanie expected more.
    Melanie rose from the table first with the grace of a lioness, and led the way to the door. Brad, though reluctant to leave, was more than happy to follow Melanie. He watched her hips slide from side to side with each step of her long blue-jeaned legs. Asher gained a cheap thrill from watching Brad try to remain cool in the young lady's presence, because he could spot unbridled lust when he saw it. What Asher couldn't see was how hard the two of them were fighting to transform it into something more meaningful.
    Asher steered the LTD toward the interstate, and remained quiet until he had set the speed control slightly above fifty-five. "Well, Dartmouth, you've made it a lot further than I thought you would. Just think, you've only got to make that hike one more time."
    "One more time! What the hell are you talking about?"
    Asher laughed sadistically. "That's the plan: we're going to have to hike a rescue party in to get your man out. You've done it twice already, a third time won't be any big deal."
    "What's your plan?"
    "I'll go over it when we meet your money-man. What's his name?"
    "Baker," sighed Brad in a voice that still rang with exhaustion.
    Asher nodded, and let Brad start to slip into sleep. "Yessir," he started loudly, startling Brad slightly. "That girl is one good-looking filly. She's got an ass that just won't quit." Brad gritted his teeth, and glared at Asher with cold eyes. Asher noticed the stare, and continued. "And what a set of knockers-- nice and plump, but not too big. I hate to see a woman with sagging, floppy boobs. How much do you she'd charge just to let me lick her tits?"
    "Asher, that's enough."
    "Oh, now... I'm not talking anything too involved: just a little nibbling on her nipples."
    "If you don't shut-up, I'll make you shut-up."
    Asher laughed so hard he nearly lost control of the vehicle. "Son, I'd rip off your head and shit in your neck. Besides, we discussed it and decided she was too old for me."
    "Don't you mean too young."
    "No. Too old. Some people say women are like wine and improve with age. The fact is, when they start to age they get flabby, their skin starts to show stretch marks, their muscles begin to loosen up. All their muscles, if you know what I mean."
    Brad didn't really want to know, but he had to ask. "Asher, how young are we talking?"
    "The younger the better."
    "Great. This is great. I'm stuck in a car with a child molester."
    "Child Molester! That's such an unpopular term. I prefer to think of my sexual preference as leaning toward Pre-pubescent Nymphettes."
    "You're sick."
    "What's sick about it? If a thirteen year old girl had sex with a thirteen year old boy, you wouldn't call it sick. You might object, but you wouldn't think it perverted or deviant. It's not like I'm raping innocent, young, eighth graders: there are two dozen whores who work Hollywood Boulevard every night that can't even spell period, much less have one."
    "Having sex with minors is a felony."
    "So's hiring a mercenary."
    Brad turned away from Asher, and faced out the window in disgust. For several moments he thought how terribly he despised the man, but soon his lack of sleep overcame his emotions. He drifted off with the singular thought that Asher had proved once again that all he had heard about soldiers, sailors, the military, and probably the police was true.
    Asher let Brad sleep and drove the rest of the way to California with a smile.

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