Douglas Bunger's Blaze Of Glory

Chapter 34

    As it turned out, Melanie did let Brad and Asher stay the night at her apartment. Brad was relieved to find that Asher's erotic negligee fantasy did not come to pass, simply because when he was lucky enough to see her in something sexy, he wanted them to be alone. Yet even with Asher sleeping on the floor, across the living room from him, Brad had a hard time sleeping, knowing that Melanie was right down the hall. Every time he tried to close his eyes, he'd see her lying on her bed... alone. He hoped that she was as uncomfortable as he. He fantasized that she was tossing and turning between the sheets, thinking of him.
    Sunday morning arrived too early for Brad, even though he had slept until eight. Asher, of course, had risen at six. He had wanted to do something rude like bang some pots and pans over Brad's head, but he decided to be a gracious guest and let Melanie sleep. When she stepped into the kitchen (wearing a thick housecoat and fuzzy animal slippers), she found Asher had already showered, dressed, and started breakfast. He apologized for making himself at home, then prepared Melanie four of the most incredible homemade pancakes she'd ever tasted.
    He hinted that it was time to wake 'Sleeping Beauty,' but Melanie came to Brad's rescue by asking Asher to let him sleep. Asher obliged, until she excused herself to take a shower. He crept into the living room, knelt beside Brad, and whispered softly: "Oh, Bradly... Wake-up..."
    Brad stirred, slightly, then rolled to face the back of the couch. "Hey, Dartmouth... Son, you blew it. Melanie's already up: and you should have seen her gown. Cut low in the front, and high on the sides. You should have seen her thighs!"
    "She's in the shower right now. Can you hear the water spraying on her naked body? Can you see the drops of moisture forming on the shoulders, as she lets the spray soak her long golden curls? Now the drops are slipping across her skin joining into a stream..."
    "Asher. Leave me alone."
    "The stream rolls off her soft, tanned shoulders, and trickles along her breasts. It follows the contours of her body, merging with another stream as it falls through her cleavage, plunging like a waterfall across her firm stomach."
    "Asher, you're pissing me off."
    "The waterfall falls silently on her soft, curled, pubic hair following them ever downward to her moist and waiting--" Brad spun on the coach, and nearly planted his right fist on Asher's left temple. With reflexes honed by years of work and practice, Asher caught Brad's arm, redirected its motion toward the floor in such a way that the rest of Brad's body couldn't help but follow. He hit the floor with a thud, and found himself in an armlock hold.
    "Now, I don't see why you're mad at me. If you want the chic so bad, go on in there and take her. She's in the shower... She's helpless... She did invite you to spend the night... Come on, what have you got to loose?" Brad wanted Melanie so bad, it hurt. He knew she wanted him, too. At the time, he wasn't sure why Asher was getting on his nerves with his erotic descriptions: he was just saying what Brad was thinking.
    "You'll leave us alone?"
    "Sure. You get first shot. If you don't mind, I'll take what's left." Asher released his hold on Brad's arm, and Brad rose to his feet. "Go ahead, son, she's either waiting for you... or she's teasing you. Either way, she deserves it."
    Brad reached for one of his pennyloafers, slapped the heel of the shoe in his palm, and thought that it would do nicely. He turned for the hall, continued to spin and duck, and hit Asher on the wrist with the shoe. Asher yelled, but before he could react, Brad stomped his left foot, and brought the shoe down on the crown of Asher's head.
    For a moment, Asher danced around the room on one foot holding his head, and cursing up a storm. Brad approached him with the shoe cocked and ready for another blow. "Okay! Okay! No more games, you win." Brad smiled victoriously. "But don't get cocky, you shit. The only reason I don't tear-out your lungs is because it's not wise to kill your employer."
    "Mark my words, Asher: if you touch that girl... I'll get you one way or another."
    Asher laughed and offered to make Brad some pancakes. Brad reluctantly accepted, but was secretly concerned about the man's ability as a cook. He found that his concerns were well founded, as the pancakes were lumpy and slightly burnt. Melanie emerged from the bathroom, wearing blue jeans and a UNLV sweatshirt. Brad couldn't help but notice that not even the baggy sweat shirt could hide the beauty of her body.
    "I thought I heard someone yell. You didn't wake Brad up, did you Carl?" she asked as she put on her sneakers.
    "Who me? You're accusing me of this? Dartmouth attacked me with his shoe! It was terrible! He abused me, beat me, treated me like a dog. Not only that, but he hurt my feelings."
    "Poor Carl, you probably deserved and enjoyed it." Asher laughed, and Brad excused himself to the shower before he embarrassed himself by blushing.
    He bathed quickly, and changed into a borrowed set of clothes that fit neither Brad's body or his personality. He emerged to find Asher gone, and Melanie reading the Sunday paper at the kitchen table. "Where's Asher?"
    "He went to some small airport to pickup a pilot."
    "Yes." Melanie paused for a moment. "He left instructions for us."
    Brad was afraid to ask. "Oh... What?"
    "I've got to pickup a rental truck, and you've got to get somebody at the airport."
    "I don't have a car."
    "You can use mine, as long as you promise not to drive it through any gates." Brad returned Melanie's smile.
    "I promise."
    Neither Brad nor Melanie spoke as she drove the two miles to the truck rental lot. The silence made Brad uneasy, but he wasn't sure what to say to break the wall of tension that seemed to be between them. No thought entered his mind before he realized they had arrived.
    "They were suppose to open at ten," stated Melanie, as she coasted the Mustang toward the gate that blocked the lot.
    "We're still a few minutes early," explained Brad as he looked at his watch.
    Again, the only sound inside the car was the deep, moaning, idle of the V-8 engine. "Brad, do think this is going to be dangerous?"
    "Asher thinks we can get in and out without firing a shot."
    "What if you do have to shoot? Will all this be worth it if you have to kill someone?"
    "Melanie, this is the biggest story in the world: a cover-up that's been going on for almost fifty years. It's my duty to society to expose it... no matter what the cost."
    "Would you be doing this even if you weren't going to get rich and famous?"
    "Of course," answered Brad without thinking. "This is too big to let the government get away with. You're not getting cold feet, are you?"
    "As long as you're sure this is the right thing to do, I'm with you all the way," stated Melanie. She watched as an attendant pushed the gate open and motioned her through.
    After she had parked the car, Brad stepped and met Melanie at the driver's side door. "Do you want me to help you get the truck?"
    "No, you need to head to the airport. I'll see you back at the office," she said, and she handed him the key. In the back of his mind, Brad heard Asher's voice asking what he had to loose. He knew what he would have lost then, and knew what he would lose now. He placed his hand on the back on Melanie's neck and drew her to him.
    She returned his kiss with a fury that surprised Brad. He slipped his other arm around her waist and squeezed her body to his. His blood boiled, as her hand caressed his face, and he pulled her closer to him, drawing her to her toes. She slipped her tongue between his lips, and Brad's mind began to wonder which of them was actually the aggressor. Without concern for the audience that was growing inside the rental office, Brad slid his hand up Melanie's back and beneath her sweatshirt, enjoying the feel of her bare skin. She pressed harder against him, and he fell backward against the car; her body pinning him.
    She kissed him one last time. Brad leaned, breathless, against the car. Melanie pulled away slowly. "Thank you, Brad."
    Brad's senses tried to understand her statement. "You're thanking me for a kiss?"
    "No," said Melanie, letting his hand go. Brad watched Melanie walk to the rental office, then started the car. He left having no idea what she meant.

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