Douglas Bunger

Why Did I Make A Homepage?

Please visit my updated page at


First the truth: It's an ego thing...

Now, the rest of the story:

My goal in setting up my own webpage is to create an interesting tourist attraction along the Information Super Highway. Think of this as Doug's Virtual Museum. Many websites claim to be cyber-amusement parks or tout themselves as devoted to your entertainment, but once you hit them, you find they are nothing more than tourist traps. They have little useful or enteraining information, yet dedicate substantial bandwidth to their huge over-priced gift shop.

On my webpage, you'll find an assortment of information from technical reports to movie reviews. I've included the full text of one of my novels, several short stories, and articles. Of course you'll find links to other sites. I plan to continue to expand my 'museum,' so I hope you'll stop by often. After all, everything's free!

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