Star Trek MicroMachine Specifications

USS Enterprise NCC-1701-A

Released: 1994
Class: Constitution
Length: 305 meters
Crew: 500?
Commander: Captain James T. Kirk
The Federation Starship, the USS Enterprise A, is actually two different vessels. In 2270, the original Enterprise was refitted to become what would more correctly be identified as the NCC-1701 Mk II. The most obvious features of this reffitting were the new warp nacelles and a recessed deflector array. This ship was destroyed in 2285 when Admiral Kirk initiated the self destruct sequence, rather than surrender to a Klingon boarding party.

For his actions, Kirk was demoted to Captain, and given a new command. The vessel was the USS Yorktown, which had been put into drydock for the Mk II upgrade. When assigned to Kirk, it was rechristended the NCC-1701-A. It entered service in 2287 and was retired in 2293.

It is unclear how many other Constitution class vessels underwent the Mk II refit, as the Enterprise and the Yorktown/Enterprise-A are the only ones seen in the movies. In Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country, three starships were included in a proposed military operation. As the Excellsior had only recently been placed into service, it can be assumed that these ships would be Constitution Mk II's. One of the ships was the USS Eagle.

If you know the names of the other two ships in Operation Retrieve, let me know.  

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