Star Trek MicroMachine Specifications

USS Enterprise NCC-1701-E

Released: 1997
Class: Sovereign
Length: 685 meters
Crew: 855
Commander: Captain Jean-Luc Picard
The Enterprise E is the sixth ship to bear the 'Enterprise' name. Commissioned in 2372, it was on a shakedown mission with most of the crew of the E-D, when Earth was again attacked by the Borg. Captain Picard brought the E-E into the fight just in time to take command of the Fleet, and defeat the Borg Cube.

Little is known about the Sovereign class at this time, as it seems to be a very new line. None have been seen in the Alpha Quadrant, in action against the Dominion. Similar to the USS Voyager, many fans were disappointed by the E-E. Placing the Galoob STMM's beside each other, the two are different in many ways:

Enterprise E
warp nacells extend beyond lower hull warp nacells only slightly longer than Jeffries tubes
shuttle bay in saucer section shuttle bay at back of lower hull
round deflector dish oblong deflector dish
quad impulse drives on saucer section single impulse drive on saucer section
wedge shaped saucer-stardrive dock similar to E-D to allow rejoining sections integrated upper and lower hull: emergency seperation only

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