Star Trek MicroMachine Specifications

USS Enterprise NCC-1701

Released: 1993
Class: Constitution
Length: 289 meters
Crew: 430
Commander: Captain James T. Kirk
The Federation Starship, the USS Enterprise, first appeared in the original Star Trek series in 1966. The Enterprise was placed into service in 2245 under the command of Captain Robert April. In 2250, command was turned over to Captain Christopher Pike. The third captain of the ship was Captain James T. Kirk, from 2264 to 2269. In 2270 the vessel was place in drydock for systems refitting under the supervision of Captain Willard Decker.

During the series, six other Federation Starships were seen, all Constitution Class. The Constellation was destroyed in "The Doomsday Machine," the Defiant was destroyed in "The Tholian Web," and four other ships appeared in one scene of "The Ultimate Computer": the Hood, Lexington, Potemkin, and Excalibur.

Other ships mentioned in TOS: Constition, Eagle, Endevour, Essex, Exeter, Intrepid, Republic, and Yorktown. The Intrepid was destroyed in "The Immunity Syndrome", but not seen.

The original Starfleet Technical Manual included a map of the galaxy which showed where four starships had been destroyed. If you have a copy of this book, let me know what the forth ship is.  

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