Star Trek MicroMachine Specifications

USS Enterprise NCC-1701-D

Released: 1994
Class: Galaxy
Length: 641 meters
Crew: 1016
Commander: Captain Jean-Luc Picard
The Federation Starship, the USS Enterprise D, was the fifth ship to carry the 'Enterprise' name. Launched in 2363, it was the third of the Galaxy class ships, the largest ever constructed by Starfleet. It would seem that Starfleet was without an Enterprise for 19 years after the destruction of the E-C. The E-D was destroyed when attacked by Klingons in 2371. Most of the crew survived, because Commander William Riker was able to seperate the saucer section prior to a warp core breach.

The Galaxy class is thought to be the first starship capable of seperating, and rejoining, into a saucer section and stardrive sction. As far back as the Constitution class, ships could separate as an emergency measure, but the Galaxy's were the first to allow both sections to be fulling functional and to rejoin. In making the STMMs, Galoob has constructed two versions of the E-D: a one piece, and a model that can seperate.

Other Galaxy class ships: Galaxy was mentioned in "Encounter ar Farport". The E-D's sister ship, the Yamato was seen (and destroyed) in "Contagion". The Odyssey was destroyed in the DS9 episode, "Dominion".

It is said that there were six Galaxy class ships placed in service. It is rumored that Starfleet policy was to construct hulls for additional ships, split them into parts (saucer, stardrive, nacelles), and place the parts in orbit around uninhabited planets. These locations were top secret, and no location had parts for an entire vessel. By having the hull sections previously constructed, they could be reteived, assembled, and fitted; should the need arise.  

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