Star Trek MicroMachine Specifications

USS Enterprise NCC-1701-D-Mk II

Released: 1996
Class: Galaxy
Length: 641 meters
Crew: 1016
Commander: Captain William Riker
The Enterprise D Mk II never actually existed. Seen in the final episode of TNG, "All Good Things", this ship existed in an alternate future. With the destruction of the E-D, the Mk II could only exist if a Galaxy class ship were refitted with a MK II upgrade, and designated the NCC-1701-F. This would be similar to how the Yorktown were converted to the NCC-1701-A. Though not impossible, it is unlikely as the NCC-1701-E seen in Star Trek: First Contact is a Sovereign class. This would mean Captain Riker's Enterprise would have to be the NCC-1701-F. The Galoob STMM of the E-D Mk II is clearly labeled NCC-1701-D.

There are several differences between the Galoob STMM of the E-D and E-D Mk II. The addition of a third warp nacelle mounted in the middle of the stardrive section, extending above the saucer section, is the most prominent. The Mk II bridge sits higher and further back on the saucer.  

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