



Original Works
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Thank you for visiting my small place on the shelf of the vast library of the genre known as science fiction. Oddly enough, there is a disproportionate amount of scifi on the Web. Perhaps because the Internet is the domain dejuer of nerdus-technologis, or maybe it is because the Internet is but a small cog in the elaborate co-conspiracy between extra-terrestrials and evil forces operating within the government. Then again, it could all be a figment of my imagination.
Original Short Stories:
Invasion Imminent-
As Paul takes the long way home, he stumbles upon an alien recon team on an intelligence gathering mission. They promise to let him go if he cooperates, because the invasion is imminent and there is nothing he can do to stop them.
One day Mr. Hanson called in sick, carried his family's furniture and belongings to the front yard, and set fire to his home. The police have asked Dr. Floyd to talk to their silent and withdrawn prisoner.
The Day The Rent Came Due-
When The President asked Bob to take over a top secret job, he didn't realize that even he would not know what he did. Needless to say, when his boss explained the US Government rented four states, he was shocked. That news was nothing, however, compared to who the land was rented from!
The Secret Of The Universe-
Man's very first interstellar expedition has discovered the remains of an ancient alien city. In the middle of the city they find a giant pyramid similar to those on Earth. Was there a connection? What about the unusual arrangement or crystals in the pyramid? And what was the meaning of long dead, cryptic, three word message at its center?
Ode To A Battle Robot-
My only foray into the world of poetry. You turtlenecked snobs in berets and goatees might call this piece 'drivel.' I'll admit it's not be Wilfred Owen, but he's dead, I'm not, so nah.
Original Novelle:
When the American military discovers a new satellite in orbit around the Earth, they first question how the Russians executed a launch without alerting early warning systems or the intelligence community. They soon discover the Russians were not responsible, and are in fact, planning to secure the satellite to research its secrets. Tensions mount, as the world is pushed to the brink of nuclear war, and space shuttles from each nation race to snatch the device.
Blaze Of Glory-
When an ambitious young reporter interviews an obviously insane veteran, he ignores his rantings of captive aliens at a secret Air Force installation, because the real story is the failure of the Veteran's Hospital to care for it's patients. Yet, as he researches this routine story, he begins to believe the man may not be as crazy as he sounds. Without evidence, however, the story of UFO's, alien captives, and secret military involvement has no credibility. As government agents close in on him, he decides to get the evidence at all costs. With the help of a lovely young psychic and an aging mercenary, the reporter is determined to rescue the aliens. Unfortunately, he finds out too late that regardless of one's politics, no government is always wrong, and some cover-ups are better left uncovered.
More stuff:
Check out the Wonerderments and Ponderings section of the
About Me page.
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Douglas Bunger thanks you for visiting his website.