| Spacecraft Please visit my updated page at http://www.dougbunger.com. ********************   Children seem to lock on to one particular aspect of their surroundings, that seem to define their early life. I guess it's similar to what zoologists call imprinting. For some children, they see their father watching football, and they latch on to the sport. Thousands of hours of football was watched in my home, but oddly enough, it was the space program that caught my attention. I guess it was the fact that football was on, but it would be on again. If it was missed, it was no big deal. But the space program... That was different! We planned vacations around being near a TV for a space event. Now, decades later, few people really care about the space program. I never became an astronaut. I haven't sought a position supporting NASA. I don't even bother to follow the shuttles. But, I still love spaceships...
View my
Star Trek MicroMachines page. The incredible story of the Pluto Missile. Mike Combs has an excellent site about Space Settlements. XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX
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