



Qbasic/QuickBasic 4.5 SUB Collection
******************** Please visit my updated page at
I use this page as a depository for the Qbasic/QB4.5 routines I use
most often. Each routine is stored in straight text format to allow
for easy cut and paste.
There have been many times when I have been stopped somewhere and
asked to whip out some code to convert a database or crunch some
numbers. I'll be the first to admit that Basic is not the greatest
programming language in the world, but it is on most MS-DOS compatible
computers, and it gets the job done. By posting these files on the
Internet, I provide myself with easy access to complex code, and maybe
help someone else in the process.
Aren't I just so generous?
AddTime: find the sum of two times.
Alarm: several sound effects.
BinaryTree: fastest sort for large files, memory hog.
DoScreen: capture, store, retrieve, reverse potion of screen.
ElapsedTime: subtract two times to find time elapsed.
Extrane: a filtration routine to identify the 200 most used English words.
DataField: a parameter controlled input routine.
FormatTime: sets time into HH:MM:SS fromat.
MakeWindow: draws a window frame on a text screen.
Music: a collection of songs.
NavKeys: changes keyboard functions into a string.
OneChar: gets a single character, use with DataField.
Parse: divides a string into separate words.
Remove: remove the occurance of a characters from another string.
Saver: text mode screen saver, restores original screen.
ShellSort: an efficent, single array, sort routine.
Showtime: incrementing clock for those 'I wonder if it's locked up' routines.
Unword: filters text files to 45% of their original size.
Webpage URL:
Douglas Bunger thanks you for visiting his website.